< NULLCON 2023 - GOA />

Call for Papers

Welcome to the 14th Edition of Nullcon Goa

Nullcon is an annual security conference primarily held in Goa, India. It is a unique conference that recognizes multi-talents of the Information Security industry and gives them a platform to share their findings with the community.

Our objective is to find potential speakers that can showcase the next generation of offensive and defensive technology. Nullcon welcomes researchers and hackers around the world working on the 'Next Big Thing' to become a speaker via Call For Papers.

NOTE: Request you to go through the below content before making a submission even if you are a seasoned speaker.

< CFP opened on />

May 16, 2023

< CFP closed on />

Jul 10, 2023

CFP Closed


We are interested in new and cutting-edge security findings that align with our motto, "The next security thing!" Some security topics for your reference (but not limited to) are

IoT Web3 SDN Radio Cloud Mobile Telecom Web
Satellites Networks Forensics Hardware Embedded ICS/SCADA Smart Cities Blockchain


We are interested in new and cutting-edge security work that has previously not been published. Anything that aligns with our motto "The next security thing!" is welcome. Some security topics for your reference including (but are not limited to)

16th May 2023 10th July 2023 20th July Onwards 20th - 22nd September 2023 23rd - 24th September 2023


  • Be it a fresher or an expert, we encourage all InfoSec enthusiasts to submit their work. At Nullcon we have multiple tracks suitable for individuals with diverse interests, we have a dedicated track for iOS and macOS admirers.
  • An exclusive track for BountyCraft for individuals who are always finding bugs and fixing them.
  • Developer track, where individuals can display methods of securing websites/applications while building them.
  • A specific track dedicated to technical women researchers — Winja Track; where we boost women to bridge the gender gap in the InfoSec industry.
  • Workshops and Villages for participants who love being introduced to new ideas, allowing them to practice hands-on skills in a safe environment.
  • A track for open-source tools, Ammo Track that creates awareness among peers about tools and their features which can be benefited by an individual or to businesses.
  • Lastly, we have a Main track for technical talks to address prevalent challenges and difficulties related to cyber security.


Based on the scoring of our external review panel members and our internal decision, we take a call on the acceptance of papers.


Submitting early ensures a better possibility of your research being accepted in the first round of review itself. The more you delay, the more competition you have with other papers that are submitted later.

Ensure to choose the relevant submission category in the form. If the submission is going to be presented prior to the Nullcon conference or is an enhancement of presented research, it falls under Current Research and not New Research.

At Nullcon we focus on New Research that has not been published / presented prior to the Nullcon conference dates. If your submission is a rework / enhancement of your existing research or a similar presentation to what is already delivered / published elsewhere, it will get less scoring as compared to new research.

A great submission always reflects on how it is implied in reality, this can be done by sharing real-life experiences, connecting it with a case study or simply presenting a live demo.

Providing concrete technical details ensures a better chance of the research being accepted. Reviewers often give a low score to submissions that have small or vague abstracts and due to time constraints may not even get a chance to request more details. Therefore, the best way is to provide a supporting full technical paper that explains all the vulnerabilities, exploits, etc in detail.

We do not ask our review board members for comments.

Please take rejection as a suggestion for improvement somewhere in the paper and not as an offense. Declining on a paper does not mean your submission is not good. There are many parameters we look at when reviewing a paper, technical in-depth is only one of them. Many times, we have to let go of really good talks because there is already an accepted paper on a similar subject or too many good submissions, or your submission is already presented/published elsewhere. We want you to succeed and are only trying to help you to prepare for future submissions. So, cheer up and get ready for the next submission.


A research topic that has not been presented/published or is not going to be presented/published before Nullcon Goa 2023.

It is a Hindi word for "Local Hacks." This category is dedicated to hackers who find innovative tech/non-tech solutions for real-life challenges.

A research topic that has already been presented/published partly or wholly before Nullcon Goa 2023.


  • Travel Reimbursement (either the actual spent amount or the below-mentioned amount, whichever is less) - International Speaker (USD 1000) - National Speaker (INR 7000)
  • Complimentary Accommodation for 3 Nights.
  • Complimentary Corporate Conference Pass.
  • Invitation to Speaker Gathering along with Drinks.
  • Invitation to Nullcon Networking Dinner Party.

  • Complimentary Accommodation near or at the Venue for 3 Nights.
  • Complimentary Corporate Conference Pass.
  • Invitation to Speaker Gathering along with Drinks.
  • Invitation to Nullcon Networking Dinner Party.


  • Only one speaker will be eligible for Travel Reimbursement benefits in case of two or more speakers for a talk.
  • The provided Accommodation will be shared among speakers in case of two or more speakers for a talk.
  • By submitting a paper and agreeing to talk at Nullcon, the submitter gives Payatu Technologies Pvt. Ltd. the right to post, publish, and re-distribute online and offline, soft, and/or hard copies of the presentation material including slides, source code, detailed paper, and the recorded video of the presentation and the speaker(s).
  • All proposals must be submitted through the Call For Papers (CFP) form. Proposals submitted through any other way will not be considered for CFP review.
  • The talk submitted for a specific event will only be considered for that event only.


  • If you have any queries, feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected]
  • For sponsorship/registration queries, please get in touch with us at [email protected].
  • All our recent updates will also be announced on our Twitter handler @nullcon - this is the easiest and shortest way to know us.